Njordlyd Ambient Live Performance: A Journey Through Sound and Visuals. This live performance as Njordlyd features a 30-minute set of six tracks, representing a musical journey from 2021 to the present. The set opens with an intro based on snippets from Circles, which transitions into the end part of the track (around 4 minutes). It continues with Dark Ride, Correlations Part 2, Correlations Part 4, Adrift, and The Least, tracing a line through recent releases. The performance concludes with "Out of Left Field", a track (unreleased) that introduces a heavier, more intense sound, offering an unexpected contrast to close the set. The visuals accompanying the music include both previously released material and new visuals created specifically for this performance. Viewers are invited to sit back and experience a half-hour of sonic exploration and visual storytelling. |
Short video / snapshot (2 minutes) |
Full live performance YouTube video |